We exist to join God’s work of cultivating new beginnings in all of us, everywhere.
Join us for worship on Sundays at 9:30am in the Chapel or via Livestream

Who we are:
Ordinary apprentices of Jesus who are learning to love God, ourselves, and others wholeheartedly.
What we dream about doing:
Joining God's work of cultivating new beginnings in all of us, everywhere.
What’s really important to us:
We want to stay responsive to what's important, so we’ll order our lives and our community in ways that leave margin & space, where we live within our limits. We want to be intentional and wise in our choices and our commitments.
We want to ask lots of questions that show interest in people and in process. We're better when we're talking and learning, so we will allow great questions to lead us together towards what's good and true. We can be confident in sharing and hearing ideas because we know God is more and better than anything we can name.
We will honor the Sabbath, we’ll follow some liturgy, and we’ll learn spiritual practices. We’ll be counter-cultural by creating space to hear from God in our lives and in our worship gatherings. We’ll follow the seasons of the church calendar, finding daily, weekly, yearly rhythms that help us stay rooted in the story of God.
We are made new so we can join in God’s work of making all things new. A part of this work is to be aware of and present to suffering people and a suffering world, and use our gifts to alleviate that suffering. God breathes life into us so that we can be a healing presence in the world.
We believe God is actively at work at all times, places, making all things new. Because we want to join that work, we’ll spend time praying for and seeking a restored way of seeing, hearing and sensing God, each other, and our own souls.
Most of us live our lives as if we need to be more and different and better in order to be significant. We want to live our lives as is – embracing who we are and where we are, believing that our gifts, our life, our vocation - as small or large as it actually is – is where God will be present to us and active through us. We believe we can bless others by being who we actually are and operating from where we actually are.
We want to respond to what is beautiful and good with wonder, celebration, joy, gratitude, & love. We will smile and laugh and enjoy life, and each other. What delights us will lead us into doing all kinds of good in the world.