

Note: If you would like to vote to affirm the members of the nominating committee at our Congregational Meeting on February 4th, the deadline to apply for membership is January 31st.

Why membership? You may be wondering why Genesis West does something that feels so antiquated or exclusive. Or, you may think membership is the cornerstone of western civilization. Either way, let us explain why we do it.

Please know this: membership is not required to participate in 97% of what happens at Genesis West (this can be scientifically verified). You do not need to be a member to take Eucharist, be in a group or speak out. You do need to be a member if you ever want to be an elder, vote for someone else to become an elder, or vote to approve our annual budget. Becoming a member at Genesis West is not about the benefits that members receive, it is about taking on the responsibility of discerning and doing God’s will together, and choosing to serve each other in unity. It’s about giving financially and serving each other.

Because our church is congregational in its polity, we are an independent body that makes its own decisions about annual budget, hiring its pastors, electing elders, and so on. Therefore, membership is required by our constitution and it explains how we make decisions together. Here’s the official statement in our constitution: Membership in the church is recognized to be those who trust Jesus as Lord and Savior and have been born anew by the Holy Spirit. Members are committed to participation in the life of Genesis, through living as an apprentice of Jesus and through attendance, sacrificial giving of talent and resources, and praying for the vision of Genesis and its leaders.

How to become a member:
If you have been to Genesis Essentials, and if have also signed the agreement to actively attend, volunteer monthly, and give financially, you may become a member by clicking here and filling out the member application.

For anyone who desires to become a member but has not been to Genesis Essentials, please plan to attend the next membership class on Sunday, January 27th from 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm. Click here to RSVP. Once you have attended the class and have agreed to the commitments listed in the statement in italics above, you may fill out the membership application.

If you have any questions, please email us and we’ll get right back to you. Thank you.